"Sharing love and building a lasting legacy through faith." "透過信仰傳遞愛與建立持久傳承。

Our organization is dedicated to guiding individuals, teams, and families toward personal and spiritual growth. Through services such as personalized ...

Guided by faith and a deep sense of purpose, our service is dedicated to providing services that uplift, empower, and transform lives of growth. Whether ...

The guiding principles of prayer, care, and sharing are at the heart of everything we do. We believe prayer is the foundation for a meaningful connection ...

 「耶和華說:『我知道我向你們所懷的意念,是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。』」耶利米書 29:11

Ministry Focus 服務焦點

Personal 個人

Deepen your connection with Enhance your personal growth through self-discovery with various assessments, coaching, and group coaching. As a Christian, cultivate a life of prayer, worship, and daily reflection to deepen your faith. Strengthen your identity, embrace your life’s purpose, and experience greater peace, direction, and continuous growth.


Marriage 婚姻

Build a lasting marriage on a foundation of trust, love, and mutual understanding. Embrace the original design of marriage to deepen your connection and create a partnership that reflects divine unity and commitment.


Family 家庭

Raise the next generation in the wisdom and love of God’s Word. Inspire your children and loved ones to grow in faith, building a legacy of spiritual strength that nurtures hope and purpose for years to come.


mentorship 指導關係

Answer God’s call to share His love by equipping yourself to guide others in their faith journey. Learn to lead, encourage, and support others as they grow in prayer, care, and the spreading of the Gospel.


Our Vision 我們的異像

Agape Legacy Consulting is dedicated to helping individuals, families, and teams grow by fostering personal development, strengthening relationships, and discovering their God-given purpose. Rooted in Christian principles, we offer holistic guidance that nurtures spiritual and personal growth through faith, reflection, support, and purposeful action. Whether deepening faith or seeking meaningful direction, we provide compassionate coaching to help you thrive.愛加倍傳承顧問致力於幫助個人、家庭和團隊成長,培養個人成長、深化關係,並發掘神所賦予的使命。以基督信仰為根基,我們提供全人指導,透過信仰、反思、支持與有目的的行動來促進靈性與個人成長。無論是深化信仰還是尋找人生方向,我們都將以關懷的方式陪伴您成長。


Let’s Connect and Grow Together 讓我們連結,共同成長

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