Transformations Through Faith and Purpose 透過信仰與使命邁向轉變

Transformations Through Faith and Purpose 透過信仰與使命邁向轉變

Guided by faith and a deep sense of purpose, our service is dedicated to providing services that uplift, empower, and transform lives of growth. Whether you are seeking guidance through personal consulting, coaching groups, or different self-discovery assessments, preparing for marriage with SYMBIS, enriching your understanding of Scripture with our Bible teaching series, or seeking an individual destiny, our services provide resources to help you live a life aligned with your ordained plan.


無論您是在尋求個人諮詢、團體教練指導、各類自我探索評估,透過 SYMBIS(婚姻準備評估)為婚姻做好準備,透過我們的聖經教學系列深化對聖經的理解,或是探索您的個人命定,我們的服務都能為您提供豐富的資源,幫助您活出與神所賦予計畫相契合的人生。

Let’s Connect and Grow Together 讓我們連結,共同成長

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, need guidance, or want to learn more about our services, reach out today—we’re here to help.
